Planning Commission
The purpose of the Planning Commission to serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors of Montgomery Township regarding planning and growth management issues that may affect the municipality. The Commission shall conduct its business and have the powers and duties of planning agencies and planning commissions in accordance with Article II of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC).
The ultimate goal of the Commission is to plan for a community safely balanced allowing for industrial, commercial, recreational, and varying intensities of residential uses which work harmoniously together for the overall good of the Township as a whole.
Meeting Schedule
The Third Thursday of Every Month, 7PM
Open to the Public
Committee Members
- Frank Davey
- David Fetzer
- Jay Glickman
- Steve Krumenacker
- Leon McGuire
- Rutuke Patel
James Rall
- (Alternate): Thomas Borghetti
- (Alternate): Alex Rigney
Board of Supervisors and Planning Department Representatives
Candyce Fluehr Chimera, Board Liaison
Bruce Shoupe, Director of Planning & Zoning
Forms & Applications
Contact Us
- Assistant: (215) 393-6900
- Staff Directory